Furniture construction

Individual furniture construction 

Custom-made furniture for your home

Individual furniture design plays a central role in modern interior design. Standard solutions often do not meet personal requirements and spatial conditions. At chore, we rely on the power of individuality: instead of mass production, we offer you custom-made furniture that fits into your living concept with millimeter precision. With precise craftsmanship, premium materials and years of experience, we create pieces of furniture that are not only functionally impressive, but also aesthetically pleasing.

Our furniture construction services at a glance

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Custom-made built-in furniture

Built-in furniture is the perfect solution for optimal use of space. Our portfolio includes high-quality built-in wardrobes and flexible wall cabinet systems that integrate harmoniously into your space. From walk-in closets to custom-made shelving systems - we create storage space where it is needed. We are particularly proud of our innovative room dividers, which are not only practical, but also impressive design elements. The professional integration of technology and lighting rounds off each piece of furniture perfectly.

Design and materials

The quality of a piece of furniture is reflected in the details. In our individual design consultation, we work with you to develop the perfect concept for your dream home. We only use premium materials and high-quality fittings. Carefully selected surfaces and finishes as well as well thought-out color concepts create furniture that is not only functionally convincing, but also visually inspiring.

Our furniture construction process

We follow a tried-and-tested process from the initial consultation to the finished installation. After the initial consultation, we create a detailed needs analysis with precise measurements. On this basis, we develop an individual design and material concept, which we make tangible through professional visualization. The craftsmanship is carried out in our workshop with the utmost precision before we then professionally assemble your new furniture.

Added value through made-to-measure furniture

Custom-made furniture is an investment in the future. You create long-term value through the optimal use of space and perfect integration into your living concept. The premium materials used guarantee exceptional durability, which is also reflected in the increase in value of your property. This sustainable approach is not only noticeable in daily use, but also pays off in the long term.

Why chore is your ideal furniture construction partner

Als etablierter Meisterbetrieb verfügen wir über langjährige Erfahrung im hochwertigen Möbelbau. Unser hochqualifiziertes Schreinerteam arbeitet ausschließlich mit hochwertigen Materialien und hochwertigen Beschlägen. Mit uns erhalten Sie von Anfang an Planungssicherheit. Was wir zusagen, setzen wir um – präzise und in höchster handwerklicher Qualität.

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FAQ on individual furniture construction

chore - Quality is our foundation

Get in touch with us

Do you have any questions about us, our range of services or would you like individual advice on your construction project? We will be happy to help you personally. Just give us a call or send us an e-mail!

+49 69 6066 4500