Professional real estate renovation

Your existing building in the best hands

A property refurbishment is more than just repairing damage - it is an investment in the future of your building. At chore, we understand the importance of professional refurbishment for the long-term value retention and sustainability of your property. With our many years of expertise as a master craftsman's business and a holistic approach, we are at your side as a reliable partner - whether for urgent repairs or comprehensive modernization projects.

Our refurbishment services at a glance

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Die Sanierung von Altbauten erfordert besondere Expertise und Fingerspitzengefühl. Unser erfahrenes Team verbindet traditionelles Handwerk mit modernen Sanierungstechniken, um die charakteristische Bausubstanz zu bewahren und gleichzeitig zeitgemäßen Wohnkomfort zu schaffen. Wir koordinieren alle notwendigen Abstimmungen mit Behörden und gewährleisten eine fachgerechte Restaurierung bei gleichzeitiger Integration moderner Gebäudetechnik.

Energy-efficient refurbishment

Optimizing the energy efficiency of your property is an important step towards the future. With well thought-out insulation concepts, modern heating technology and the replacement of windows and doors, we reduce your energy consumption in the long term. We take current KfW standards into account and support you in applying for subsidies. A professional energy-efficient refurbishment not only protects the environment, but also your budget thanks to significantly reduced operating costs.

Damage restoration & renovation

Wenn schnelles Handeln gefragt ist, sind wir zur Stelle. Ob Wasserschäden, Schimmelbefall oder statische Probleme – unser Expertenteam reagiert umgehend, um größere Schäden zu vermeiden. Mit modernster Technik und fundiertem Fachwissen analysieren wir die Ursachen und entwickeln nachhaltige Sanierungslösungen. 

Complete refurbishment

In a core renovation, we renovate your property from the ground up. By modernizing all trades, optimizing the room layout and integrating contemporary building technology, we create new living space to the highest standards. We pay particular attention to barrier-free design options and well thought-out floor plan optimization. Renovating the façade not only gives your building a new look, but also helps to improve its energy efficiency.

Partial renovation & modernization

A complete refurbishment is not always necessary. With targeted partial renovations, we modernize individual areas of your property according to your wishes and needs. From comprehensive bathroom renovations and basement renovations to the modernization of the roof, balcony or stairwell - we carry out your renovation projects on time and to the highest quality.

Added value through professional refurbishment

A professionally carried out refurbishment not only increases the value of your property, but also creates more living comfort and quality of life. By integrating modern energy-saving technology, you reduce your operating costs in the long term. Adapting to current living standards also increases the rentability and market appeal of your property. With our sustainable renovation approach, we conserve resources and create future-proof room solutions.

Why chore is your ideal refurbishment partner

Als zertifizierter Meisterbetrieb steht chore für höchste handwerkliche Qualität und umfassende Expertise in allen Bereichen der Immobiliensanierung. Wir bieten Ihnen maximale Planungssicherheit. Unsere Qualitätsgarantie gibt Ihnen die Gewissheit, dass Ihre Sanierung in den besten Händen ist.

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FAQ on real estate renovation

chore - Quality is our foundation

Get in touch with us

Do you have any questions about us, our range of services or would you like individual advice on your construction project? We will be happy to help you personally. Just give us a call or send us an e-mail!

+49 69 6066 4500